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Is your company prepared for the upcoming JCK Trade Show?

JCK Trade Show

In just a few days the most important trade show for the jewelry industry is being held in Las Vegas.  It is probably the largest community of suppliers, retailers and even better, industry insiders.

You’ll likely hear terms like V2C, Drop ship and Direct to Consumer/D2C. You may hear about services like VendorNet, Anatwine, and CommerceHub that front for the D2C world. You might actually hear these terms more than you expect due to the recent disappearance of brick and mortar stores and the increase of online shopping worldwide.

What do these changes mean for you? Opportunity and dollars. A retailer offering your items online can drive huge numbers for you. Multiple retailers can exponentially increase those numbers. With those numbers come requirements like branded packing materials, special packaging, and unique gift handling that differ from retailer to retailer

EDI is a must for this kind of transaction handling. Automations in packaging, small package shipping, and easy production of collateral materials will all drive the efficiencies of a strong, coordinated D2C operation

They say “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”, except this time you want to bring home with you some new business. Enjoy the show and feel confident that EDI Options has the experience and know-how to see that you can back up the opportunities you see at the big show.