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Experience 3 Life-Changing Benefits of Integrating EDI with QuickBooks

Integrating EDI with QuickBooks

EDI is a technology for exchanging business transactions with key trading partners. QuickBooks is an accounting product used by businesses to manage those business transactions. Business owners use this powerful software for invoicing (their customers), tax filing, paying bills, generating reports for business updates and more. QuickBooks offers powerful solutions that work great for single proprietor or even mid-sized business to track sales and expenses and to manage their daily transactions.


Nowadays, business need a strategy when it comes to handling these day-to-day operations. As an entrepreneur, you have to be on top of everything from logistics to disbursements and, of course, account receivables. Staying on top of these tasks makes sure your business stays way ahead of its competitors.


This is why today, we are going to talk about Integration of EDI with QuickBooks.


You may have heard about the term “Integration” before. Integration is the process of connecting separate systems (components) into a single larger system that functions as one. With regards to EDI, system integration is typically defined as the process of linking together EDI activity with various accounting systems, services and/or other software enabling all of them to work functionally together.


The key reason to use system integration is to improve productivity and quality of operations.


Benefits of integrating EDI with QuickBooks


Business owners choose to integrate their EDI with QuickBooks for any number of reasons but today, I’d like to focus on these key three:


Increase Productivity and Accuracy

When EDI and QuickBooks are being integrated, we technically are allowing these systems to “talk” to each other and directly trade transactions. Thousands of transactions can be integrated in a matter of minutes or seconds compared to hours of manual time.


We humans are intelligent creatures and are capable of vast multi-tasking but we are not immune to errors. The more human intervention involved in a process, the more likely it is to have inaccuracies and errors. Integrating these systems minimizes, if not eliminates, these tendencies resulting in saved time and money.


Manage any volume of activity

Seasonal activity can be hair-raising. During the holidays, the surge in EDI orders can result in major adjustments to the way you’re handling your accounting transactions, scale-wise.


If your system is not designed for this kind of volume, your monitoring will go haywire and you run the risk of losing track of key details. Integration saves you trouble when volumes skyrocket by standardizing accounting handling all year round. Seasonal activity many times larger than the norm will be handled readily and with ease.


Promotes Synergy

What makes a business great nowadays is the type and amount of information available at any given time.


EDI provides connectivity to your partners for trading key business transactions and integrating those transactions with QuickBooks makes those relationships more fluid. When the processes of two entities are working seamlessly and in harmony with each other, they could achieve greater results than when left to their own. Effectively integrating your EDI systems with QuickBooks means your staff can easily access a ton of key internal and external information needed to boost sales, performance and quality.


Imagine having all the information you need for pricing, purchasing, sales analysis and forecasting with just a few clicks! Applying customizable QuickBooks elements can bring more value depending on what your business needs.

To know more about the benefits of EDI Integration with QuickBooks and how you can start with this immediately, you can find more information on the EDI Options website.