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Helping our Customers go on in the Time of Covid-19

Going on during Covid

However limited, business is still being conducted. We have always seen our role as being totally at the service of our customers. As a company whose product is technology, it was a straight line for us to move from in-office to at-home operations but we know it is much more challenging for some of our customers.

We are doing what we can to help customers deal with the unknowns in their situation. For those that are able to work, we are not only providing normal support but also helping with aspects that differ when working from a remote position.

  • Remote support is a way of life for us and we have quite a bit of experience with the best tools to use and practices to follow. Sharing that knowledge and experience has helped customers acclimate to remote work.


  • Customers abandoning their offices can leave locally installed processes exposed to physical problems like power failure or other uncertainties. If a key system is affected and nobody is present in the office to address it, then business could be interrupted. We are providing every interested customer an automated nightly backup of local processes to our servers that can be restored in any alternate location in the event of a situation.


  • We always represent the technical EDI interests for our customer and that role has been expanded at this time. We are providing technical specifications, routing rules, and other retail requirement details to customers that are unable to reach out directly to their retail partner.


Our #1 goal is to keep the engine running, help customers meet whatever need comes up now, and be ready for action when this all starts to simmer down.